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Privacy Policy


This is a description of how Scandinavian Leadership Consulting AS collects and uses
personal data..
The Managing Director of Scandinavian Leadership Consulting AS is responsible for
the company’s treatment of personal data for:


  • employees

  • users of our digital quesitonnaires

  • customers, suppliers and partners

(contact info at bottom of page).
Scandinavian Leadership Consulting AS has more than one data processor:


  • Microsoft for Office365 for office supported tools. Emails, calendar and contact information is stored in the cloud in Office365.

  • Confirmit for collection and reporting of questionnaire data

  • Conta faktura for billing

The Managing Director of Scandinavian Leadership Consulting AS is data processor for any personal data.
We always provide information about the purpose of the questionnaire, how anonymity
and confidentiality are dealt with. If the questionnaire is anonymous, Scandinavian
Leadership Consulting will not collect information that can be connected with a
respondent. Anonymous data from the questionnaire can be the object of research and
the development of norms, and will therefore be stored for an unlimited time period.
Scandinavian Leadership Consulting AS will not share information with others or use
information to any other end than described above. Treatment of data from
questionnaires are also regulated by a data processing agreement with the customer in question.


Scandinavian Leadership Consulting AS does not use any tools to analyse traffic on its home page.
Scandinavian Leadership Consulting AS does not use cookies on its homepage.
Everyone registered o none of Scandinavian Leadership Consulting AS´ systems has
a right to see their data. The registered party also has the right to ask that incorrect or
incomplete data be corrected, deleted or supplemented. The registered party also has
the right to protest against data processing, and the right to transfer data. The
registered party also has the right complain to Datatilsynet. Should the processing of
personal data be based on an agreement with the registered party, he or she can
cancel the agreement at any time by contacting the Data Controller. A valid request
from the registered party is to be answered as soon as possible, within 30 days at the latest.

Data Controller:
Scandinavian Leadership Consulting AS
Gunnar Nordli
Telephone: +47 90 98 23 27
Organisation number 914246202

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