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We develop and implement leadership development programmes based on the organisation’s strategy and goals. Our programmes are built around the demands that the strategy places on leaders. Programme goals concern the behaviours leaders need to practice in order to maximise their contribution to fulfilling the strategy. Our programmes also contribute to the development of a consistent leadership culture across units, and individual mobility across the organisation.



​We have extensive experience in designing internal academies, most often at Nordic or European level. Such academies should deliver good environments and events for learning, and contribute to adding, sharing and retaining competence. It is vital that the competences nurtured have direct and explicit relevance for the organisation’s strategy and goals. Internal academies should also contribute to confidence and trust, a stronger feeling of team identity, and boost enthusiasm and motivation.



We offer short and effective training sessions, often as part of a larger change programme or as part of an internal academies standard curriculum. Our skills camp themes:

- Feedback
- Delegation
- Cross-cultural competence and communication
- Time management
- Different types of conversations
- Coaching and mentoring


​One of Scandinavian Leadership’s partners, Katherine Johnston, co-authored “Boss or Buddy – the balancing act for modern leaders” (Cappelen Damm 2009, 2010, 2014). A good leader must alternate between the Boss and Buddy roles in order to be effective, and draw on a broad range of approaches and tools matched to different kinds of people and situations. This programme can be varied in length and content to suit the customer. 



To be successful, leaders in today’s world need a global mindset. This gives them the opportunity to understand and influence people of differing backgrounds and cultures. Katherine works with Thunderbird School of Global Management in this increasinglyimportant area, and has contributedto the book “Developing Your Global Mindset: The Handbook for Successful Global Leaders (2013)”

Training the Global Mindset is run in 3 different ways:

1. Stand-alone programmes that focus on mapping each individual leader’s present level, identifying desired level, and creating development plans.

2. As an integrated element in existing programmes. Global Minds gives excellent context for other themes such as change management, team development, feedback, innovation, coaching etc.

3. Individual coaching, related to specific challenges such as a foreign transfer.


We are often used as external lecturers. Themes vary greatly, but include:

- Change management
- Change & restructuring
- Post-merger integration
- Boss or Buddy
- Mentoring
- Team development

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